About C3D

C3D is a singer and songwriter, a multi-instrumentalist, with a tendency to pick up and improvise on any instrument to hand if the mood strikes. (Even if he can’t really play it!)

He says: “Music should be spontaneous and my songwriting is usually driven by an idea that appears in my head, usually at a very inconvenient time…….. I’m a sucker for a catchy chorus and my definition of a great pop song is one with an instantly memorable melody and a chorus that you can sing after hearing it just once.

My Sister was bought a half-sized guitar by my Parents but didn’t want it, so I inherited it instead at the age of 7.  I still have it, hanging on the wall of my studio – it’s really awful and hard to play!   I remember running home from school, desperate to play it and learn something new and my family were constantly tormented by terrible “performances” of the latest song I had picked up.

Enthusiasm and having something to prove to someone, even just yourself, are important ingredients in becoming a musician.

Don’t give up.

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